Firmware Update 2.1
The Behringer WING console 2.1 firmware update adds DCA Spill, other improvements and bug fixes.
DCA Spill
Selecting any DCA or bus automatically brings up the specific set of assigned channels in the neighboring section. This not only offers an immediate overview of the channels controlled by that DCA, but also allows quick balancing adjustments in that group.
Other features
- Status box flashing on errors
- SD icon turns amber when SD card is write-protected
- Hold MONO button on the monitoring section to flip left and right channels
- Hold VIEW button on the monitoring section to access the USB recorder screen
- Source box shows headamp gain
- Meters, gate and compressor gain reduction, group and main assignments are shown on fader mixer page
- Fader levels shown on scribble strips
- Sends on fader supported for bus-to-bus routing on left fader area
- DCA, BUS, FX and Automix spill CC functions
- In FX spill mode, MUTE sets EQ gain to 0 dB
- Channel presets and toolbox functions include source gain and phantom power settings
- Restart button combination (after shutdown) set to HOME + EFFECTS
- New Dante logo
- MAIN/MATRIX delay control moved to "Send to MAIN" page (GUI only)
- Rearranged SETUP screens
Bug Fixes
- Tripe DEQ and Speaker Manager DEQ width with negative gains (now identical to Gate Slot DEQ)
- Custom control MIDI CC PUSH function not sending MIDI data
- Rare instances of source customization data not being loaded correctly from snippets
- Customization link sometimes leading to errors in channel/source customization recalls
- Midas (blue) stage boxes now shown with solid green status boxes
- Gate sidechain filter bypassed when selecting some gate models
- Remaining SD record time display in link mode
- SD sessions could be edited/deleted while playing
- Rare instances of the console not synchronizing to external clocks directly after startup
- Exclusive solo option not working on GUI fader page
- Firmware update function using invalid file name (rare, could lead to console not booting)
- WING-DANTE with BK3 module not working with BK3 firmware
- Expansion card icon (top) not shown after soft reboot
- Time/date format not saved
- Right fader section rotaries were not working after using them for CC